Thursday, 25 February 2016



Here we put  JNTUH 2-1 Semester Syllabus for 26-Feb-2016 Supply Examination of various departments CSE/ECE/ME/CE/ECE

II Year B.Tech. CSE-I/ ME-1 Sem
Objectives: To learn
L T/P/D C 4 -/-/- 4
  • Understand a random variable that describes randomness or an uncertainty in certain realistic situation. It can be of either discrete or continuous type.
  • In the discrete case, study of the binomial and the Poisson random variables and the Normal random variable for the continuous case predominantly describe important probability distributions. Important statistical properties for these random variables provide very good insight and are essential for industrial applications.
  • Most of the random situations are described as functions of many single random variables. In this unit, the objective is to learn functions of many random variables through joint distributions.
  • The types of sampling, Sampling distribution of means ,Sampling distribution of variance, Estimations of statistical parameters, Testing of hypothesis of few unknown statistical parameters.
  • The mechanism of queuing system ,The characteristics of queue, The mean arrival and service rates
  • The expected queue length, The waiting line
  • The random processes, The classification of random processes, Markov chain, Classification of states
  • Stochastic matrix ( transition probability matrix ),Limiting probabilities, Applications of Markov chains
    Single Random variables and probability distributions
    : Random variables – Discrete and continuous. Probability distributions, mass function/ density function of a probability distribution . Mathematical Expectation, Moment about origin, Central moments Moment generating function of probability distribution.
    Binomial, Poisson & normal distributions and their properties. Moment generating functions of the above three distributions, and hence finding the mean and variance.

    Multiple Random variables, Correlation & Regression:
    Joint probability distributions- Joint probability mass / density function, Marginal probability mass / density functions, Covariance of two random variables, Correlation - Coefficient of correlation, The rank correlation.
    Regression- Regression Coefficient, The lines of regression and multiple correlation & regression.
    Sampling Distributions and Testing of Hypothesis
    Definitions of population, sampling, statistic, parameter. Types of sampling, Expected values of Sample mean and varience, sampling distribution, Standard error, Sampling distribution of means and sampling distribution of varience.
    Parameter estimations – likelihood estimate, interval estimations.
    Testing of hypothesis: Null hypothesis, Alternate hypothesis, type I, & type II errors – critical region, confidence interval, Level of significance. One sided test, two sided test,
    Large sample tests:
    1. (i)  Test of Equality of means of two samples equality of sample mean and population mean (cases of known varience & unknown varience, equal and unequal variances)
    2. (ii)  Tests of significance of difference between sample S.D and population S.D.
    3. (iii)  Testsofsignificancedifferencebetweensampleproportionandpopulationproportion&difference
      between two sample proportions.
    Small sample tests:
    Student t-distribution, its properties; Test of significance difference between sample mean and population mean; difference between means of two small samples
    Snedecor’s F- distribution and it’s properties. Test of equality of two population
    variences Chi-square distribution , it’s properties, Chi-square test of goodness of fit

    Queuing Theory:
    Structure of a queuing system, Operating Characteristics of queuing system, Transient and steady states, Terminology of Queuing systems, Arrival and service processes- Pure Birth-Death process Deterministic queuing models- M/M/1 Model of infinite queue, M/M/1 model of finite queue .
    Stochastic processes:
    Introduction to Stochastic Processes –Classification of Random processes, Methods of description of random processes, Stationary and non-stationary random process, Average values of single random process and two or more random processes. Markov process, Markov chain, classification of states – Examples of Markov Chains, Stochastic Matrix.

II Year B.Tech. ECE-I Sem
L 4
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This is a core subject, basic knowledge of which is required by all the engineers. This course focuses on:
To get an in-depth knowledge about signals, systems and analysis of the same using various transforms.
Signal Analysis and Fourier Series
Signal Analysis:
Analogy between Vectors and Signals, Orthogonal Signal Space, Signal approximation using Orthogonal functions, Mean Square Error, Closed or complete set of Orthogonal functions, Orthogonality in Complex functions, Exponential and Sinusoidal signals, Concepts of Impulse function, Unit Step function, Signum function.
Fourier Series: Representation of Fourier series, Continuous time periodic signals, Properties of Fourier Series, Dirichlet’s conditions, Trigonometric Fourier Series and Exponential Fourier Series, Complex Fourier spectrum.
Fourier Transforms and Sampling
Fourier Transforms:
Deriving Fourier Transform from Fourier Series, Fourier Transform of arbitrary signal, Fourier Transform of standard signals, Fourier Transform of Periodic Signals, Properties of Fourier Transform, Fourier Transforms involving Impulse function and Signum function, Introduction to Hilbert Transform.
Sampling: Sampling theorem – Graphical and analytical proof for Band Limited Signals, Typers of Sampling - Impulse Sampling, Natural and Flat top Sampling, Reconstruction of signal from its samples, Effect of under sampling – Aliasing, Introduction to Band Pass sampling.
Signal Transmission Through Linear Systems:
Linear System, Impulse response, Response of a Linear System, Linear Time Invariant (LTI) System, Linear Time Variant (LTV) System, Transfer function of a LTI system, Filter characteristics of Linear Systems, Distortion less transmission through a system, Signal bandwidth, System bandwidth, Ideal LPF, HPF and BPF characteristics, Causality and Paley-Wiener criterion for physical realization, Relationship between Bandwidth and Rise time.
Convolution and Correlation of Signals:
Concept of convolution in Time domain and Frequency domain, Graphical representation of Convolution, Convolution property of Fourier Transforms, Cross Correlation and Auto Correlation of functions, Properties of Correlation function, Energy density spectrum, Parseval’s Theorem, Power density spectrum, Relation between Auto Correlation function and Energy/Power spectral density function, Relation between Convolution and Correlation, Detection of periodic signals in the presence of Noise by Correlation, Extraction of signal from noise by filtering.
Laplace Transforms and Z-Transforms
Laplace Transforms:
Review of Laplace Transforms (L.T), Partial fraction expansion, Inverse Laplace Transform, Concept of Region of Convergence (ROC) for Laplace Transforms, Constraints on ROC for various classes of signals, Properties of L.T, Relation between L.T and F.T of a signal, Laplace Transform of certain signals using waveform synthesis.
Z–Transforms: Fundamental difference between Continuous and Discrete time signals, Discrete time signal representation using Complex exponential and Sinusoidal components, Periodicity of Discrete time signal using complex exponential signal, Concept of Z- Transform of a Discrete Sequence, Distinction between Laplace, Fourier and Z Transforms, Region of Convergence in Z-Transform, Constraints on ROC for various classes of signals, Inverse Z-transform, Properties of Z-transforms.
  1. Signals, Systems & Communications - B.P. Lathi, 2013, BSP.
  2. Signals and Systems - A.V. Oppenheim, A.S. Willsky and S.H. Nawab, 2 Ed., PHI.
  1. Signals & Systems - Simon Haykin and Van Veen,Wiley, 2 Ed.
  2. Signals and Signals – Iyer and K. Satya Prasad, Cengage Learning
  3. Signals and Systems – A.Rama Krishna Rao – 2008, TMH.
  4. Introduction to Signal and System Analysis – K.Gopalan 2009, Cengage Learning.

II Year B.Tech. CE -I Sem
L T/P/D C 4 -/-/- 4
The objective is to find the relation between the variables x and y out of the given data (x,y).
The aim to find such relationships which exactly pass through data or approximately satisfy the data under
the condition of least sum of squares of errors.
The aim of numerical methods is to provide systematic methods for solving problems in a numerical form

using the given initial data.
This topic deals with methods to find roots of an equation and solving a differential equation.
The numerical methods are important because finding an analytical procedure to solve an equation may not

be always available.
In the diverse fields like electrical circuits, electronic communication, mechanical vibration and structural

engineering, periodic functions naturally occur and hence their properties are very much required. Indeed, any periodic and non-periodic function can be best analyzed in one way by Fourier series and
transforms methods.
The aim at forming a partial differential equation (PDE) for a function with many variables and their solution

methods. Two important methods for first order PDE’s are learnt. While separation of variables
technique is learnt for typical second order PDE’s such as Wave, Heat and Laplace equations.
In many Engineering fields the physical quantities involved are vector-valued functions.
Hence the unit aims at the basic properties of vector-valued functions and their applications to line integrals,

surface integrals and volume integrals.
Vector Calculus:
Vector Calculus: Scalar point function and vector point function, Gradient- Divergence- Curl and their related properties. Solenoidal and irrotational vectors – finding the Potential function. Laplacian operator. Line integral – work done – Surface integrals -Volume integral. Green’s Theorem, Stoke’s theorem and Gauss’s Divergence Theorems (Statement & their Verification).
Fourier series and Fourier Transforms:
Definition of periodic function. Fourier expansion of periodic functions
in a given interval of length 2. Determination of Fourier coefficients – Fourier series of even and odd functions – Fourier series in an arbitrary interval – even and odd periodic continuation – Half-range Fourier sine and cosine expansions.
Fourier integral theorem - Fourier sine and cosine integrals. Fourier transforms – Fourier sine and cosine transforms – properties – inverse transforms – Finite Fourier transforms.

Interpolation and Curve fitting
Introduction- Errors in Polynomial Interpolation – Finite differences- Forward Differences- Backward differences –Central differences – Symbolic relations of symbols. Difference expressions – Differences of a polynomial-Newton’s formulae for interpolation - Gauss Central Difference Formulae –Interpolation with unevenly spaced points-Lagrange’s Interpolation formula.
Curve fitting: Fitting a straight line –Second degree curve-exponential curve-power curve by method of least squares.
UNIT – IV : Numerical techniques
Solution of Algebraic and Transcendental Equations and Linear system of equations:
Introduction – Graphical interpretation of solution of equations .The Bisection Method – The Method of False Position – The Iteration Method – Newton-Raphson Method .
Solving system of non-homogeneous equations by L-U Decomposition method (Crout’s Method). Jacobi’s and Gauss-

Seidel iteration methods.
Numerical Integration and Numerical solutions of differential equations:
Numerical integration - Trapezoidal rule, Simpson’s 1/3rd and 3/8 Rule , Gauss-Legendre one point, two point and three point formulas.
Numerical solution of Ordinary Differential equations: Picard’s Method of successive approximations. Solution by Taylor’s series method – Single step methods-Euler’s Method-Euler’s modified method, Runge-Kutta (second and classical fourth order) Methods.
Boundary values & Eigen value problems: Shooting method, Finite difference method and solving eigen values problems, power method

II Year B.Tech. EEE-I Sem
L T/P/D C 4 -/-/- 4
Fluid statics
: Dimensions and units: physical properties of fluids- specific gravity, viscosity surface tension-vapor
pressure and their influence on fluid motion- atmospheric gauge and vacuum pressure –measurement of pressure- Piezometer, U-tube and differential manometers.
Fluid kinematics: stream line, path line and streak lines and stream tube, classification of flows-steady & unsteady, uniform, non uniform, laminar, turbulent, rotational, and irrotational flows-equation of continuity for one dimensional flow.
Fluid dynamics
: surface and body forces –Euler’s and Bernoulli’s equations for flow along a stream line,
momentum equation and its application on force on pipe bend.
Closed conduit flow: Reynold’s experiment- Darcy Weisbach equation- Minor losses in pipes- pipes in series and pipes in parallel- total energy line - hydraulic gradient line.
Measurement of flow: pilot tube, venturimeter, and orifice meter, Flow nozzle.

Basics of turbo machinery: hydrodynamic force of jets on stationary and moving flat, inclined, and curved vanes, jet striking centrally and at tip, velocity diagrams, work don and efficiency, flow over radial vanes. Hydroelectric power stations: Elements of hydro electric power station-types-concept of pumped storage plants-storage requirements, mass curve (explanation only) estimation of power developed from a given catchment area; heads and efficiencies.
Hydraulic Turbines: classification of turbines, impulse and reaction turbines, Pelton wheel, Francis turbine and Kaplan turbine-working proportions, work done, efficiencies , hydraulic design –draft tube- theory- functions and efficiency.
Performance of hydraulic turbines: Unit and specific quantities, Model Analysis, characteristic curves, governing of turbines, selection of type of turbine, cavitation, surge tank,
Centrifugal pumps
: classification, working, work done – manomertic head, static head- losses and efficiencies-
specific speed- Model analysis, pumps in series and parallel-performance characteristic curves, NPSH, water hammer
  1. Hydraulics, fluid mechanics and Hydraulic machinery MODI and SETH.
  2. Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines by Rajput.
  1. Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power Engineering by D.S. Kumar, Kotaria & Sons.
  2. Fluid Mechanics and Machinery by D. Rama Durgaiah, New Age International.
  3. Hydraulic Machines by Banga & Sharma, Khanna Publishers.
  4. Instrumentation for Engineering Measurements by James W. Dally, William E. Riley ,John Wiley & Sons
    Inc. 2004 (Chapter 12 – Fluid Flow Measurements)

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